2011 Selden Gallery, Substrata
2012 Selden Gallery
2019 Offsite Gallery, May 3 – June 21

Quantum Physics suggest human consciousness may affect the outcome of physical experiments, suggesting the essential unity of everything extends beyond the physical universe of matter and energy, and the deepest reality may be a universal Consciousness that pervades everything.

My preoccupation with interconnectedness as an onging process is explored in my work. Each experience leaves its mark. As a whole or in fragments, sometimes less defined than others, but always affecting what comes next. In many instances this is carried on to the next work in the series, allowing for a continuing dialogue from one piece to the next, and directly tying the existence of the newer piece to the piece created before it, and the piece created before that.

Each layer of mark making in some of the pieces is sealed with a layer of clear resin. This allows for a cataloguing of time and the change that it brings within each piece. Thesse different elements find themselves bound within determined space. These boundaries serve both to unite and separate. They are definite or subtle, encroaching and ignored, erased only to reappear, organizing themselves into larger more stable wholes.


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Norfolk Arts seeks to create a rich, diverse, environment that reflects, celebrates and invites all to experience the arts. We seek to give voice to our community and strive to unite, energize, prompt dialogue, and inspire the unique character of Norfolk.

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810 Union St.
1st Floor, Suite A-rt
Norfolk, VA 23510