The sculpture consists of 4 pairs of “doors” mounted vertically with pivots on a previously existing rigid clock tower frame. A machine with a motor connected to a long vertical shaft running between and behind the doors is mounted to the frame. The motor drives the shaft with a roller chain drive and toothed sprockets. The vertical shaft is a form of crank shaft, like one would find in a motor driven by offset pistons with an opposing off center crank pair for each set of doors offset 45 degrees from the one above it. Tie rods run between the crank sets and doors. Powered by a solar panel on the back of the tower, each set of “doors” slowly open and close like bus doors, not in unison, but in sequence. Each pair is off-set from the adjacent pair, creating a rhythmic movement, up and down the wall. When one door pair is closed, the one below it is slightly open, the next one down half way open, and the bottom one almost completely open. The panels are etched with a map of the region with main large roads shown in copper.

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Norfolk Arts seeks to create a rich, diverse, environment that reflects, celebrates and invites all to experience the arts. We seek to give voice to our community and strive to unite, energize, prompt dialogue, and inspire the unique character of Norfolk.

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810 Union St.
1st Floor, Suite A-rt
Norfolk, VA 23510