Norfolk Arts Grant Recipients
We also awarded grants to 4 additional non-profit organizations. Those with budgets less than $200,000 in cash expenses were invited to apply for an additional Arts Equity grant for free and open to the public performances at the Attucks Theatre and/or up to $5000 to support diversity and equity in their programming no matter where it takes place. Those with budgets of $200,000 or more were eligible to apply for a grant for $2500 for an Attucks performance or to support diversity and equity in their programming at any location. All non-profit organizations that met our grant criteria with budgets of any size were eligible to apply for a $5000 grant for one ticketed Attucks Theatre performance. 14 of these Arts Equity grants were also awarded to eligible grantees.
An Arts & Culture calendar can be found on the City of Norfolk’s website.
We encourage you to follow the links and connect with organizations on their direct pages at the links above.
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Norfolk Arts seeks to create a rich, diverse, environment that reflects, celebrates and invites all to experience the arts. We seek to give voice to our community and strive to unite, energize, prompt dialogue, and inspire the unique character of Norfolk.
© Norfolk Arts | Website by Red Chalk Studios
810 Union St.
1st Floor, Suite A-rt
Norfolk, VA 23510