Public Art “Norfolk Now” Commissioned through a millennial grant Norfolk received. Six photomontages (digital photo murals) of portraits taken of Norfolk residents originally hung in the Selden Arcade and now are housed throughout the Slover Library.

In the months before he died, David Joyce took his work into a new dimension. The Eugene artist was known for his black and white contour photographs of people, such as the flying people mural at the Eugene Airport. He developed a national reputation of making intricate photomosaics out of thousands of individual portraits merged together. Eventually, non-Hodgkins lymphoma took his life. In his later years he turned to smaller more contained work he could easily do alone at his desk.

From his facebook page:
“David was an instructor in Lane’s Art & Applied Design/Media Arts department for twenty-five years, and an influential artist in the community. He is best known for his flying people mural “Flight Patterns” at the Eugene Airport and concentrated his later works on digital photo mosaics and life-sized photographic cut-outs.

David touched the lives of hundreds of students; inspiring young artists in achieving their dreams. David was highly revered by his colleagues and peers. Many artists that have been featured in the Gallery knew David, or had taken one of David’s classes. Also an accomplished harmonica player and dancer, David is remembered as having a great, playful sense of humor and an angelic spirit.”

Date of death: December 3, 2003

Arworks we have:
Father & Son, Elder Man, Curious Kids, High School Students, Schoolgirl & Man With a Hat

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Norfolk Arts seeks to create a rich, diverse, environment that reflects, celebrates and invites all to experience the arts. We seek to give voice to our community and strive to unite, energize, prompt dialogue, and inspire the unique character of Norfolk.

© Norfolk Arts | Website by Red Chalk Studios

810 Union St.
1st Floor, Suite A-rt
Norfolk, VA 23510