Interview with exhibiting oil painter, Jean Peacock
Join us for a free meet and greet, an informal event with current exhibiting artist Jean Peacock at our Offsite Gallery at MacArthur Center 02/26, 12-2pm.
Interview with exhibiting oil painter, Jean Peacock
Join us for a free meet and greet, an informal event with current exhibiting artist Jean Peacock at our Offsite Gallery at MacArthur Center 02/26, 12-2pm.
48hr festival for writers this April!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the opening of “The Street Where I Live”
Birthday visit to the Offsite Gallery![/caption] See photos from the opening SAVE THE DATE: 02/26/22, 12-2pm for “Conversation with the Artist” Feel free to contact the artist at jeanpcock@gmail.comSign up for our newsletter and get updates delivered straight to your inbox.
Norfolk Arts seeks to create a rich, diverse, environment that reflects, celebrates and invites all to experience the arts. We seek to give voice to our community and strive to unite, energize, prompt dialogue, and inspire the unique character of Norfolk.
© Norfolk Arts | Website by Red Chalk Studios
810 Union St.
1st Floor, Suite A-rt
Norfolk, VA 23510
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